Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis is a condition when the immune system attacks the protective sheath i.e myelin sheath that insulates the axon of neuron. This is auto immune disorder. It isn’t clear why MS develop in some people and not others. MS occurs due to degeneration of myelin sheath of neuron and it affects brain and spinal chord

There are four types of MS-

  1. Relapsing remitting MS
  2. Secondary progressive MS (most common)
  3. Primary progressive MS
  4. Progressive relapsing MS

*Risk factor for the disease include being between 15-60 yrs

*Women have about 2-3 times the risk of MS than men.

*Children and teens are rarely affected.

*Generally seen in northern European population.


  • Numbness and weakness in one of the limb at a time
  • Partial or complete loss of vision, usually one eye at a time
  • Tingling or pain in parts of your body
  • Electric shock sensation that occur with certain neck movement
  • Tremors, lack of co ordination
  • Slurred speech
  • Dizziness
  • Problems with bowel and bladder function (urinary retention)


  • Multiple stiffness or spasm
  • Paralysis, typically in legs
  • Problem with bladder, bowel movement and sexual function (erectile dysfunction)
  • Mental changes, such as forgetfulness or mood swing
  • Depression
  • Epilepsy

DIAGNOSIS : There are no specific treatment, however MS can be detected by differential diagnosis (i.e by ruling out other condition that might produce similar sign and symptoms)

  • Blood test : check for specific bio marker associated with MS
  • Lumbar puncture : sample shows abnormalities in antibody
  • MRI : reveal area of lesion in CNS
  • Evoked potential test : record electrical signal produced by Nervous System

TREATMENT : There are no complete treatment however the symptoms can be treated with

  • IV steroids
  • Interferon injection
  • Glatiramer acetate
  • Dimethyl fumarate

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